Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Power School Graduation

He Did It!

I'm clearly behind since he graduated on May 3rd, but here are a couple photos from Joey's graduation--its hard to believe that six months before this we were so anxious and nervous about Power School. Yes, sometimes it felt like the end was never coming, and yes the hours and stress were exhausting. But Joey (and can I say we too?) made it and I'm so proud of him. He worked so hard every day, and yet he still made sure we had time together and had a date night once a week. I think its safe to say, he's my hero.

We love Chelsea and Ryan, some fellow VMI Alums!

Side note: after looking at these pictures from my iPhone, I'm SO grateful for my new Canon Rebel---having it to capture our memories has already been so much more satisfying!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a "we" made it through power school thing.


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