Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Almond Milk

last week i decided to finally try almond milk--i have always had good ol' fashioned cows milk, but i really wanted to try something new, especially after learning about all the health benefits of almond milk. So i brought my new purchase home, took a deep breath and took a sip.
And I LOVED it!!

it was so delicious. i got the vanilla flavor so it was a little sweeter--it almost tasted like melted amaretto ice cream. It was too sweet to drink a full glass, but i put it in cereal and i honestly think i like it better than regular milk in my cereal.

So, i whole heartedly recommend you buy a carton next time you're out at the grocery store and feeling a little adventurous, you won't regret it!

1 comment:

  1. Almond milk is sooooo good! I've had almond flavored soy milk, too, and that's delicious. Good choice. :)


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