I don't think I need to say how difficult it can be to find modest dresses---the neck line is too low, there are sleeves but the skirt is too short, the skirt is long enough but there are no sleeves...the combination of problems is seemingly endless. Mormon girls, you know how it goes.
But I have great news!
eShakti is a clothing company that designs cute dresses, blouses, and skirts--most of which can be custom designed to fit modesty standards.
Take this dress for example:
A cute little party dress, but obviously there are no sleeves, and it would most likely be too short.
But wait!
They give you options for different sleeves, necklines, and skirt lengths, so the dress can be completely customizable based on your modesty preferences.
How cool is that?!

Again, this dress can be made with cap sleeves--ta da! modest!
And see, they aren't ugly, frumpy dresses like some modest dresses, they are cute and fun! I haven't bought one myself yet (its on the list..) but the reviews are pretty great.
They range in price with many starting at $35-40, plus $7.50 for the custom alterations, which I think isn't too shabby considering you are getting a modest dress you can wear without having to buy extra pieces like cardigans and camisoles, and for once, you actually like it!